The routines in each room provide a flexible and developmentally appropriate framework for daily activities. The routines incorporate such things as eating, resting and toileting, individual play as well as small and large group play and learning activities.
Children’s language and literacy skills are further developed during these times as children are involved in storytelling, drama and games. Music also plays a large part during these sessions as children are able to experiment with dancing, singing and exercising their bodies.
Spaces are made available for children to engage in rest and quiet experiences. Educators provide a range of active and restful experiences and support children to make appropriate decisions regarding participation. Each room is tailored to suit the age and developmental stage of your child, the diversity of the educators, children, families and the wider community. If appropriate and depending on your child’s progress and suitability we may incorporate the child within different rooms at different times, the educators will assess the suitability of the child and make judgements based on their social, emotional and developmental level and their learning requirements. All aspects of children’s learning and development is catered for including physical, social, emotional, creative, cognitive and communication skills.
As your child grows and develops their needs, interests and abilities. To cater for this, your child will gradually transition to the next room, where their skills and development can be extended.
Our transitioning procedure includes communication with families and involves a careful assessment of your child to ensure they are ready for the next step. This process also includes visits to the new room to build familiarity and ensure a smooth transition.